A podcast dealing with Art & Business


#49 – David Teplitzky & Glenn Dranoff

In this episode, Matt sits down with renowned art dealers and collectors David Teplitzky and Glenn Dranoff. They discuss Matt’s ambitious project, Total Recall, tracing its journey from an idea on a napkin to an inspirational masterpiece. The conversation delves into the differences between art dealers and galleries, the role of social media in gaining exposure, and what distinguishes great work that stands the test of time. This episode is a must listen for every artist and collector.

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Our Philosophy

Empowering the Creator

Clean Break (powered by Always Art) is reshaping the art world to be more open, trusting, collaborative, and profitable. As a forum for the world’s most influential art insiders to provide their stories and best practices, we work to break down the barriers facing artists and art professionals alike.

In an industry comprised of unspoken rules, we aim to make artists and gallerists thrive based on talent rather than privilege and build a world where art can speak for itself. The art world has undergone a major transformation as a result of social media and the internet, and with Clean Break, we are coming together help gallerists and artists find success in this new era by offering solutions and tools to reshape the industry.


Clean Break Studio


Some Testimonials

They don't teach you this stuff in Art School

“I Love this podcast. I've been sending it to a lot my friends who are artists because there is such lack of clarity out there on what it means to be an artist. Yes it's rad to do what you love, yes creativity and passion are essential, but also it's about being professional and treating your career like a straight up business.”

– Makaio Kawika

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