Selling your
artworks directly
to buyers

- by Always Art Staff

Getting your first artwork sold without a gallery can be challenging, and selling the work is contingent on putting the right price on the work. If you don’t choose the right price, this can be a learning opportunity. Although most artists assume you need a gallery to sell work, you can actually sell without having a gallery, but it just may not be as possible in the early stages.

Let’s explore the various ways you can sell your work directly to buyers without gallery representation.

Organize group shows

It can be costly to organize your own solo show but being part of a group show can be a better option because it is more affordable, and you will benefit from the networks of the other artists in the show. Plan a group show with other emerging artists and pick a location you can afford.

When you have the show planned, promotion will be key so you can attract people to attend. You will need to market across various platforms, including on social media, where you can post on your Instagram profile and share the event details in Facebook or LinkedIn art groups. In addition, you can even run an ad campaign on Instagram and Facebook. Be creative, make a video where the artists talk, give sneak peaks of the works, and show the location in your content.

Beyond social media outreach, you can invite friends and family and ask them to invite other people they know, contact local press to feature your event, and contact organizations, schools, and colleges to get their support.

Participate in art fairs

Art fairs are a hub for networking and can be a good place to sell your work, since you will interact in person with collectors and art lovers. Choose a fair that best fits you and your style so that you connect with the right audience. Because art fairs are scheduled on specific dates, they are not an ongoing sales method, but rather a seasonal sales channel for you to use.

Over time, get to know the participants of the fair and build relationships. Be approachable, friendly, and enthusiastic when interacting with people interested in your work. Do not sit and wait for people to stop by; be ready to even approach people first.

Leverage art dealers and interior designers

If you produce good quality work, you might have a chance at attracting art dealers and interior designers. They are constantly looking for artwork to incorporate into their jobs, so try to approach and contact as many of these professionals as you can to build your network. For interior designers, you might have to make your work that can fit their style or look for designers who would be interested in the kind of work you make. When you want to send your portfolio, include your website and your Instagram where they can learn more about you and your journey.

License your work

Licensing your art to be used by companies is a way to generate revenue. Research manufacturers who might be interested in displaying your art on their products, like companies that produce skateboards, mugs, home decor, clothing, and any other products that display art, graphics, or patterns. You will just have to know your rights and obligations as a result of the licensing agreement put in place. Do not sign any contract before you fully agree to and understand what is on it. You might either receive a one-time payment or an ongoing percentage of sales made, it depends on the agreement.


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